Water is one of the most valuable resources we have, and rainwater is one of the very best renewable sources of it.
Collecting it is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years through all sectors of society, however, the laws surrounding collecting rainwater vary depending on where you live. It isn’t even legal in some places!

If you’re a Florida resident, you may be wondering if it’s legal to collect rainwater and use it for your own purposes. Is it illegal to collect rainwater in Florida?
No, rainwater collection is not illegal at the state level in Florida. The practice is actually encouraged in most places, though county guidelines and restrictions might impact the quantity or use case.
One of the very best things you can do to improve your off-grid readiness and overall self-sufficiency is to “harvest” rainwater.
This rest of this article will delve into the legality of rainwater collection in the state of Florida and provide you with all the info you need to know…
Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the State Level in Florida?
No. Florida has no state-level regulations against rainwater harvesting, which means that it is generally legal for residents to collect rainwater at any time and however they would.
However, there are some exceptions and limitations at the county or local level that you need to be aware of.
For example, you may need to obtain a permit or comply with local guidelines if you want to store a large volume of rainwater or use it for potable purposes.
Is Collection of Rainwater Illegal at the County Level?
No as a rule of thumb, and I know of no county that bans the practice. Although counties typically don’t have specific laws against rainwater harvesting, certain counties and municipalities may have rules and regulations that you need to follow.
For instance, some county or city governments may require you to obtain permits for kit or tank installation, or follow specific use guidelines, or limit the size of your collecting tanks or siting in residential-zoned areas.
Under What Conditions Can Citizens Collect Rainwater in Florida?
Generally, anytime! Florida encourages water conservation and the use of rainwater. You can collect rainwater for non-potable and some potable purposes (subject to local laws) such as watering plants, washing cars, and flushing toilets without a permit.
However, as always ,there are some best practices and common sense precautions that you should follow to avoid contamination, algae growth, or mosquito infestations.
If you intend to use rainwater for drinking, cooking, or bathing, the water should be treated and tested for safety, and there are laws governing business use of rainwater for potable purposes.
Is There a Limit on How Much Rainwater You Can Collect in Florida?
No, there is no statewide limit on how much rainwater you can harvest in Florida as of press time.
Once again, some counties and municipalities may have their own regulations in place concerning how much water you can harvest or keep on hand!
Always research the laws in your specific area before embarking on your rainwater collection project.
What Does Florida Allow Citizens to Use Rainwater For?
Florida allows citizens to use rainwater for a variety of non-potable uses at all levels of society, and privately for potable purposes also.
These include irrigation, fire protection, and decorative fountains as a matter of course but also washing of homes and vehicles.
However, rainwater cannot be used as a primary source of drinking water for any public application unless it has been treated to meet state standards. For private use, this is only governed by county and local laws, if any.
But even if you only use rainwater for non-potable jobs, it will still provide significant financial and environmental benefits by reducing the demand for municipal water supplies.
Additionally, rainwater is typically free of the chlorine and many other chemicals found in tap water, making it even more ideal for outdoor use.
Does Florida Require Special Equipment or Inspection for Rainwater Collection?
No. Once again, the State of Florida doesn’t mandate special equipment or inspection for rainwater collection in most cases.
Local laws might, though, and the Florida Plumbing Code is generally the basis for establishing catchment system guidelines.
Whether any such guidelines are imposed on you or not, there are some best practices that should be followed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your system.
First, any rainwater collection system should be designed to prevent contamination from debris, insects, and other sources. This may involve using a filter or screen to remove larger particles.
The collection system should also be located away from potential sources of contamination, such as septic tanks or chemical storage areas.
Lastly, the rainwater should be stored in a dedicated tank or cistern, above or below ground, which is designed for this purpose.
The tank should be made of a non-toxic material and should not be used for any other liquid storage.
It is also important to ensure that the tank is properly covered and sealed to prevent animal access, evaporation, and mosquito breeding.
Does Florida Offer Any Incentives for Rainwater Harvesting?
The State of Florida does not offer direct incentives for rainwater collection, though it encourages water conservation via rainwater use.
Some counties do offer programs and rebates through the Florida Water Star program for water-efficient landscaping practices and irrigation systems.
One related program that may be of interest to you is the Florida Friendly Landscaping program. This program provides information and resources to homeowners and businesses on water-efficient landscaping practices, including the use of rain barrels and cisterns.
Additionally, some utility companies may offer rebates for the installation of rainwater harvesting systems. These rebates may be available on a seasonal basis and do vary provider.
Bottom Line: Is Florida a Good State for Rainwater Collection?
Yes, definitely. Overall, Florida is a great state for rainwater collection thanks to its lack of state-level meddling, overall lack of regulatory roadblocks to system installation and use, and its warm and rainy climate.
Although there are relatively few direct incentives for rainwater collection in Florida, you definitely won’t run into too many issues getting your system picked and installed, and if your water is just for private use you can use it for potable purposes.
But you must be sure to double-check all county and local laws, and don’t forget to watch out for HOAs. As long as you do that, there is a lot to like about Florida for rainwater collection!
The post So, Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater in Florida? appeared first on Survival Sullivan.
By: Tom Marlowe
Title: So, Is It Illegal To Collect Rainwater in Florida?
Sourced From: www.survivalsullivan.com/florida-rainwater-collection-laws/
Published Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000