Online interest in survival teaching and courses is soaring. Taking a wilderness survival course online is not only a popular alternative to in-person instruction, but also many advantages.
Now, I’m the type of person who would much rather learn in a hands-on, in-person manner. But, in-person courses aren’t always possible. People are now learning valuable survival skills, from expert instructors, in the comfort of their own homes, and I’m going to share with you five quick and solid reasons why taking an online survival course is a good thing!
Benefits of Taking an Online Survival Course
A top benefit to taking an online survival course is saving money. In-person courses require a lot of time and preparation by a course instructor before you ever arrive, and you end up paying for that in the overall cost of the course. Needless to say, the price tag on and online survival course is going to be far easier on your wallet than in-person training by hundreds (potentially thousands) of dollars.
No Traveling Involved
The savings in taking an online survival course continue when you realize you don’t have to travel. Paying for a plane ticket or gas can really add up on top of what could be an already expensive course (not to mention food, lodging while traveling, and buying gear you might need for the course that you don’t already have). You may have an idea of which instructor under whom you’d like to study, and chances are you don’t live close to their training facility or planned event.
You Can Take Your Time
I’ll admit, the idea taking an online survival course via computer screen, in the comfort of your own home, seems a little odd, but it’s really not. The online course business is booming – even for online courses within the outdoor and survival niches. The nice things about pre-recorded videos is that you can watch them at your own pace, on your own schedule.
At OutdoorCore, when you create an account and purchase a course, you have lifetime access to it! That way, you can truly learn at your own pace, take time to master the materials, and revisit course materials as you need in the future. Do you have a specific question that wasn’t covered in your course material? No problem! At OutdoorCore, you have email access to the instructor for each course you take!

You Can Find the Perfect Instructor for You
Did you ever drop a class in high school or college because you didn’t like the teacher? A major benefit to taking an online survival course is you have the ability to pick and choose who you want to learn from! Going to a live course is a HUGE investment of both TIME and MONEY. With online survival courses, you get to “sample” an instructor before committing to their “in-the-field” curriculum. It’s a great way to get to know an instructor to see if you like their teaching style and personality.
Here’s a list of some of the best online survival courses:
At OutdoorCore, we take all of the guesswork out of choosing the perfect instructor for you. We don’t limit a single subject or skill to just one qualified instructor. Rather, we welcome many experts to cover the same subject so that you can find the right one for you. Just look on the course landing page, read over the materials, and watch the sample videos from each instructor to find the right one for you!
Precursor to a LIVE Course
Another great advantage of taking an online survival course is that you are more prepared and ready to take an advanced course from your instructor when they next hold an in-person course or event. This is especially a good thing for novices to wilderness survival. You’ll get the basics mastered and able to learn advanced skills that require more detailed instruction in-person.
In fact, many survival instructors now offer an on-line requirement BEFORE even attending their live events. The online curriculum sets the stage for what will be taught in the field during the LIVE class.
OutdoorCore is a online platform for connecting survival students with highly-qualified survival instructors. If you really like a particular instructor you’ll be able to continue to learn from them through more online survival courses or in-person!
From an online flint knapping course and online disaster preparedness classes to how to build a bug out bag and online wild edible plant courses, new classes are being added each and every week! Check out the selection of online survival courses at today here: ONLINE SURVIVAL COURSES LINK
The post 5 Reasons to Take an Online Survival Course appeared first on WillowHavenOutdoor Survival Skills.
By: Creek
Title: 5 Reasons to Take an Online Survival Course
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Published Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 15:26:13 +0000
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