Survival Water Purification Methods
When faced with an emergency, the need for water is critical. Whether you're on a camping trip, hiking, or marooned on an island, water will keep you alive. While the water you have in your home might be safe for consumption, it may not be clean enough for your survival. Therefore, you'll need to find safe water fast. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to obtain safe water in an emergency.
First, it's a good idea to purify your water before drinking it. A natural spring or stream is the best source of water. However, rainwater, ponds, and rivers are also great sources. In addition, it's possible to distill bottled water for drinking. Regardless of where you find your water, it should be purified first before drinking. It's not necessary to boil the water to use it, but it's a good option for people who need a large amount of water.
Another option is to purify water in an emergency situation by using a portable filter. Portable filters such as Sawyer Mini are designed to remove even the smallest particles of dirt, bacteria, and sand. This makes it a perfect solution for contaminated water sources. Its high purity, however, will cost you. Despite the high price, it will give you the peace of mind you need if you need to survive for a long time.
One of the most important aspects of a good survival water filter is its portability. If you need water for long-term living, a passive pumping system may be ideal. On the other hand, if you're constantly on the go, a portable survival water filter can be more practical. An in-line filter, for example, is an inexpensive, lightweight device that works by using human suction. This type of filter is easy to use and can be carried in a backpack or a bag.
Another option is to purchase a water purification kit. This tool can be used to purify freshwater on the spot. During an emergency, you should purchase a portable water filter, which can be easily converted into a water bottle. When you are prepared, you can also use a portable pressure canner and a big cooking pot. Moreover, you can build a DIY solar-powered water distiller using plastic bottles.
The cost of a survival water filter depends on the size and features it has. There are models available for less than $30, and the price of a large gravity water system costs up to $300. The price of individual portable filters is significantly lower than the price of larger gravity water systems, and a smaller device can be used for a longer period of time. A good-quality portable filter can be used for several different tasks, including drinking, washing, and cooking.