Not all of what we require to prepare falls into the category of true survival need.
Some preps are everyday goods that may seem ordinary, but are still one of those goods that can make things a little more bearable and much easier than alternatives.
There is no better example of this idea than toilet paper. Toilet paper isn’t one of those things that gets much thought until you run out.
You’ll probably feel the same way during a long-term survival or post-disaster scenario when you’re desperately seeking for something safe and pleasant to clean your rear end with.
As a result, you should begin making plans for it now. It might appear to be a small thing, but having a huge pile of toilet paper on hand is the last thing you’ll need to worry about if things go wrong.
This article will give you all the information and instructions you’ll need to complete this job successfully.

Should You Really Stock Up on Toilet Paper?
The idea of toilet paper may seem funny to you. When you consider all of the other seemingly more important goods that preppers must accumulate and count for their survival plans, toilet paper seems comical.
Sure, we use toilet paper every day and take it for granted, but do we really need it?
Especially when we consider the severity of a survival scenario: can’t we improvise with newspaper, leaves, rags, something?
That’s not a problem for most of us, but it might be an issue if you have specific circumstances.
You may do that and, if things get bad enough and continue long enough, you may be forced to employ makeshift or primitive cleaning techniques on your rear end.
However, I am adamant in my belief that keeping a large supply of toilet paper on hand is far preferable to dealing with such a scenario.
Toilet paper is definitely more common and far more pleasant to virtually everyone, yet it can’t be overstated that it is also more sanitary.
This isn’t something you’ll put on your backside that hasn’t been tested for allergies and has the potential for a negative reaction.
Good toilet paper is not only strong and long-lasting enough to give you control and assurance in keeping with hygiene, but it’s also sturdy and durable enough to allow you to clean effectively while reducing mess on your hands.
To summarize, toilet paper is only another instrument when it comes to remaining clean and preventing disease transmission in any situation.
Do I Seriously Need to Stockpile TP?
I still run into preppers who dismiss the idea that they’ll need to stock toilet paper in advance.
After all, you can buy anything from any store or grocery that does not have this stuff piled to the ceiling (literally!) for immediate consumption.
How short our memories are. It was but a few years ago now, during the height of a panic fueled by the, ahem, unknown virus that the second decade of the 2000s started out with, that toilet paper became exceptionally, inexplicably difficult to find across the world.
No matter if it was inappropriate for the situation or whether people were scared and misled; a little bit of fear and misinformation may easily boost its significance in others’ minds.
So widespread was the toilet paper run that some people resorted to stealing it from their workplaces or gas station restrooms.
Let this knowledge guide your selection of what they will do if they are in a terrible situation and need to hide in their home once again.
It won’t be long before you’re unable to get it if you don’t have it when you need it.

Alright, then. How Much TP Should I Have?
Okay, I’ve made it clear to you the critical role of having a large supply of toilet paper in order to handle bathroom chores for as long as necessary.
Now comes the moment of truth. How much toilet paper do you require?
This is a hard one to define, but in general, men use less than women and families consume far more than couples or individuals.
According to Cottonelle’s statistics, the typical family of four uses about seven rolls of toilet paper each week, one per day.
We may estimate that this equals 28 rolls per month, or 336 rolls yearly. Some people require a lot more while others require considerably less.
The greatest advice I can offer you is to keep track of how much toilet paper you use on a daily basis, and then base your purchases on that.
It’s worth noting that you may save toilet paper for future use, but this might be a waste of money in the end.
People usually calculate how much toilet paper they’ll need to do the task and still feel adequately cleansed; in other words, you and yours may use a little more or a little less.
At any rate, you won’t go too far wrong estimating your reserves based on usage.
Two Approaches to Stockpiling TP
Okay, we know how much toilet paper we’ll need, so the rest is simply a matter of purchasing it and stowing it away.
There’s also the financial aspect to consider for the first section of this.
Toilet paper, as long as you’re not buying bottom-rack stuff that necessitates you use far more in order to achieve the same result as higher quality options, is pricey.
It follows that bulk purchases may not be in the capabilities of all readers.
Not to worry, though. You have a couple of options no matter how much money you have to spend on TP:
Buy It All Now
The simplest solution is to purchase a quantity of toilet paper equivalent to your needs for an anticipated length of time.
We recommend buying it cheap and piling it high, which means you’ll be purchasing it when supplies are plentiful and prices are low, not when panic is at a peak and prices skyrocketing.
This is how you should go about obtaining toilet paper if you’re willing to make a trip just for it and accept the looks of strangers as part of your routine.
Get it out of your system as quickly as possible.
Alternatively, you may buy it off the shelf and have it delivered to your home without any hassle or confusion.
To be sure you get the correct amount of toilet paper for your requirements, first figure out how much you or your family will need over a period of time and then multiply that number by the length of time ( in weeks or months) you want to be self-sufficient with your survival supplies at home.
You’ll need the same number of toilet paper regardless of how much you use or how often your family goes through 15 rolls per month.
Simply put, if you want a 3-month supply kept in reserve and your family uses 15 rolls of toilet paper each month, you’ll require 45 rolls. This is simple math.
Purchase a Little Over Time
Now, if you’re on a strict budget or simply don’t want to go all in on a large quantity of toilet paper, there is another solution.
All you have to do now is take out a roll or two from the box you buy to keep your home during kind, regular times and store them for tough times.
This is an easy approach to build up your desired level of reserve toilet paper over time.
Since the accumulation of a substantial supply of anything for long-term survival takes time, especially if you go through toilet paper slowly.
It will take less time if you buy extra large cases of toilet paper when you can instead of smaller packs.
Regardless, the most essential thing when it comes to preparing is that you take action. This is just as effective as any other method in the end.
Toilet Paper is a Pain to Store in Quantity
Toilet paper is simple to obtain and plentiful, but after you get it home, one of its most significant flaws will probably be apparent right away: this stuff eats up shelf and cabinet space like nothing else!
The bottom line is that toilet paper is just not easy to store. Sure, those tidy cylinders are easy to stack and look nice sitting on the shelf, but they actually cause organizational waste and chaos!
Bunching any round or cylindrical object together, no matter how snugly, wastes space on a shelf, or anywhere else.
There’s not much you can do about it left as is, though you might be able to reclaim some of that space if you remove the plastic packaging.
Closets are useful but big investments for storing toilet paper, especially if you have a family that uses a lot of it.
If your survival scenario lasts for an extended period of time, having such a huge quantity of toilet paper stored in one place might consume an entire room in your house or most of your shelf space if you have rack storage. This is not the most efficient way.
Fortunately, there are a few space-saving methods that can help you reclaim this wasted area and minimize the logistical impact of your suddenly acquired toilet paper stash if you’re prepared to put in a little more effort.

Tips for Stashing Your TP
Removing toilet paper from its plastic packaging is one of the most time-saving storage methods for big quantities.
Toilet paper, like the name implies, is a form of paper, and it won’t last indefinitely in any condition.
However, if you store it in an ideal storage location, that plastic wrapper will have little or no impact at all.
When you have them packed tightly together, you can conceal tiny objects inside of the rolls or between the toilet paper cylinders.
Another alternative is to remove the toilet paper from its packaging and store it in flat storage containers that will allow you to stack the containers on top of each other.
Despite its soft and flexible nature, packaged toilet paper bundles should not be stacked on top of one another unless you want them to squash.
This trick allows you to take advantage of the toilet paper’s fragility a little bit.
Last, but not least, the last and most extreme method for reclaiming some of the room eaten up by that gluttonous toilet paper is to get rid of it from its plastic packaging and then flatten it yourself, leaving the cardboard roll in the middle or removing it ahead.
Though regarded as a severe technique since it prevents your toilet paper from readily unrolling on the holder anymore, it does save a lot of room and is well worth taking if you’re going on an emergency trip for toilet paper.
When it comes time to use your flattened TP, you’ll just have it set near your toilet as normal, and it will be unwound, end over end, by hand.
Not as convenient as using a roll on a holder, but a small price to pay later for significant storage savings later.
Baby Wipes are a Great Inclusion
During a discussion about this topic, I feel it is only natural for me to bring up baby wipes.
Baby wipes are a prepper’s best friend, especially when you don’t have water to spare for bathing or are doing your absolute best to conserve every drop.
If you won’t be bathing on your usual schedule, it is imperative that you still make an effort to clean up and stay that way, even when you have bigger problems at hand.
Letting germs fester on your body will make you smell nasty, but it can also result in diseases that can decimate your group, especially in close quarters! Unwashed bodies are a survival no-no!
Wipes for babies aren’t only useful in the first few weeks of life; they can also help you maintain your rear end clean than using toilet paper alone.
They don’t need any water, either, making them ideal for quick sponge baths when there isn’t any water or soap to spare.
Simply cleaning your troublesome spots on the body with baby wipes will go a long way toward keeping germs at bay, at least until you can have a proper bath or shower.
Wipes are available in a flat, stackable package rather than on a roll, and several large bags can go a long way if used sparingly, so get some even if you’re only stocking them as part of your survival equipment.
Don’t Depend on Pine Cones
Toilet paper isn’t a particularly essential item on your prepping list, but it is a little thing that can make a big difference in your comfort and quality of life if you are forced to survive the aftermath of a major disaster.
Toilet paper is also an important component of an effective sanitation and hygiene regimen.
Stock up on toilet paper now, while it’s easy to get and inexpensive so I can avoid what happened last time. Keep in mind what occurred previously!
The post How to Stockpile a Ton of Toilet Paper appeared first on Survival Sullivan.
By: Tom Marlowe
Title: How to Stockpile a Ton of Toilet Paper
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Published Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 08:30:22 +0000