Norbert Renaud of l’Ile Verte Pike Fishing Lodge reports that big fish have been on the move for his anglers in the past week. On the day of his birthday, guest Mickaël Meziere landed a superb 110cm pike. This was followed by another personal best the next day as a 115cm fish was landed by Thierry. Next stop 120cm? Who knows, great fishing though!
Big fish on the move at l'Ile Verte
L’Ile Verte Lodge

Norbert Renaud is French and his passion for fishing led him to settle in Ireland for over 25 years. He has set up a guesthouse with all the necessary comfort to accommodate 10 people. The Lakeland region includes more than 365 lakes and rivers, many of these bodies of water communicating through a system of rivers. These are the rivers where pike migrate in search of freshness and an additional supply of oxygen. I imported a raft from the United States built to fish this type of river. The Big Shoals Raft from Smith Fly is unique in Europe. It allows you to pass discreetly through very little water.
Address: Snackiel, Killeshandra, Co.Cavan, H12X523
Telephone: +353 49 4334844 and +353 85 2150590
Email: [email protected]