One of the best parts about owning an RV is the ability to travel with the comforts of home. Your home probably has a few products that make your life easier and more enjoyable. RVing too can be improved with some handy items that enrich your outdoor experience. It’s these little things that make a big difference.
We’re talking about the things that put the “fun,” in functional — the gadgets! Gadgets to an RV enthusiast are like toys to a kid, you can never have too many and they get cooler every year.
We asked you what your favorite RV gadgets were, and you didn’t hesitate to answer! Check out RVers favorite camping gadgets. We’ve rounded up where to find these items below.
Grills & Griddles

Image: Camping World
From tailgating parties to weekend getaways, everyone loves eating tasty meals when they’re on the road. Whether you’re cooking up dinner for the family or appetizers at the campsite, a quality grill or griddle is always a favorite way to fire up the tastebuds.
“Our Blackstone griddle… my husband and daughter have made fried rice and then added chicken. They have done burgers. The nice thing is you can have dinner cooking all at once.” -Alice D.
Mastering the grill is an acquired skill, sure, but learning is half the fun. There’s no denying how addictive it is to prepare your food quickly and easily while on the go. Feed a few, a crowd, or even grill for your pets all from the comfort of your RV or the campground.
“My gas grill with smoker box.” -William R.
Upgrading your existing outdoor kitchen with a new grill or griddle ensures a good meal is mere minutes away — the perfect solution for growling stomachs. Not sure what to grill? Try these salmon and asparagus foil packets or this grilled pear and arugula pizza. You won’t regret it.
Shop all grills and griddles, including popular options from Blackstone, at Camping World.
Surge Protectors
While most gadgets are all about fun and games, sometimes you have to play it safe. When it comes to your RV’s electrical system, it’s only as good as the protection you provide it. A surge protector is imperative when RVing as it guards against electrical surges and low voltage among other issues.
“[An] important gadget is the big surge protector. [We] got it at Camping World in Oakwood, GA, where we buy all our campers.” Brenda V.
It’s entirely possible to RV without having a surge protector, of course, but it’s not recommended. If you’re looking to get the longest life out of your RV, surge protectors are the best way to protect your RV’s electrical system.
“The surge protector.” -Lynn N.
Travel with peace of mind knowing that a surge protector is the one gadget that will provide a critical line of defense between a campground’s electrical stand and your electrical system. It’s the easiest way to prolong the life of your RV appliances.
Shop all surge protectors at Camping World.
Solar Panels

Image: Chase & Lindsay
For many RVers, their favorite camping gadget is none other than a solar panel. Solar panels are popular for good reason! It’s a smart way to have the sun work for you while you’re out and about on your adventures.
“[Pick] just one? Dang… solar power [is] freaking awesome!” – Marie P.
Whether your journey is taking you off-road or your destination will have you boondocking, solar power will quickly become your best friend. Thanks to the big, bright star above, you could be able to power your television, the coffee machine, your RV’s onboard battery, and everything in between.
“We love our solar panel. We like to boondock camp and it [was] miserable when the jack [was] out of juice to get the trailer back on the suburban when we [were] ready to move on.” – Carla R.
Summer is the most popular season for RVing, so it should come as no surprise that you would invest in solar panels to get the most out of the season in more ways than one. Going solar is a fun and earth-friendly way to make the most of natural resources.
Shop all solar panels at Camping World.
Ice Makers
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“Ice, ice, baby,” — Vanilla Ice must have been speaking directly to the RV community with his popular song from the 90s. Without a doubt, one of the camping gadgets that popped up in response after response is none other than an ice maker.
“Countertop ice maker!” – Jaime L.
Regardless of if you invested in a luxury RV upfront that has an ice maker onboard, or you’ve taken the time to upgrade your RV with a countertop ice maker of your own, there’s no denying the perk of having ice available whenever you want. No one wants to break down camp just to drive to the corner store for another bag of ice. Use it to fill the cooler and take cold drinks and food with you on adventures.
“My ice maker.” -Joyce S.
Take your favorite beverage to the next level and beat the heat like never before thanks to a quality ice maker. Before you know it, your RV will be serving up better ice than your favorite restaurant and every camper at the campground will be screaming “stop, collaborate, and listen,” because it’s clear that “ice is back with a brand new mission.”
Shop all ice makers at Camping World.
Favorite Camping Gadgets

Image: Camping World
The list of favorite camping gadgets is endless since the RV lifestyle encompasses such a wide range of campers with an even wider range of interests. From coolers to bathroom renovations, patio upgrades to washers and dryers, it’s obvious camping has become even more fun because of the items available to enhance the experience.
“[Our] Splendid washer/dryer. [We] can bring less clothes and don’t have to waste time hanging out at a campground laundromat.” -Bob K.
RVing is a good time thanks to the numerous places to go and things to see, but it’s a great time thanks to the people you meet along the way. Stock up on all your favorite gadgets and essential camping gear at Camping World before hitting the road for your next getaway.
What’s your favorite camping gadget? Tell us in the comments below!
By: Brad Cowan
Title: RVers Favorite Camping Gadgets and Where to Find Them
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Published Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2022 14:00:57 +0000