APOCABOX has 1 goal: To be the Best Survival Subscription Box

APOCABOX is curated by wilderness survival instructor and television show host, Creek Stewart. Creek has taught wilderness survival skills full-time for nearly 25 years. He has also written several best-selling books on the subject. APOCABOX is another expression of his creativity and love for the outdoors. Creek’s goal for APOCABOX since it’s inception in 2014 is to be the best subscription survival box available in the outdoor market.

A few items from a past APOCABOX. The Bowyer’s Hawk (shown in this photo) is an example of an exclusive APOCABOX product.
With each and every APOCABOX, Creek has 1 question in mind: How can he build the best subscription survival box?
Watch one of the PAST APOCABOX Trailer Videos below:
Ultimately, the answer comes down to 3 key criteria. If you’re trying to find a subscription survival box that’s right for you, these 3 criteria will be very helpful in deciding whether APOCABOX is the right choice.

A few items from a BUSHCRAFT themed APOCABOX. Skills included HOW TO MAKE A FIRE WITH THE BOW DRILL and How to Make a Flint Knife.
BEST SUBSCRIPTION SURVIVAL BOX Criteria # 1: It must deliver unique survival gear & tools that can’t be found anywhere else.
In the day and age of Amazon, Creek wants to deliver survival items that can’t necessarily be found at big box stores. What’s the fun in a subscription survival box if it’s full of items that can just be ordered from Amazon? When a customer opens APOCABOX, Creek wants it to feel like an adventure – never knowing what to expect. Anyone can fill a box with items purchased from an outdoor wholesaler. Creek wants his subscription survival box to stand out.

This spoon carving kit from a past APOCABOX helped member who wanted to learn how to carve a wooden spoon.
Each APOCABOX features different items perfect for wilderness and/or urban survival. While most products revolve around the CORE 4 Prinicles of Survival (shelter, water, fire, and food), in order to be the best subscription survival box, Creek and his team at APOCABOX invents items that had never been seen before to make APOCABOX really stand out. No products are ever repeated or recycled. Each box has a new theme, new gear, and new survival challenges to grow your base of survival knowledge!
Unique partnerships allow for a lot of local and regional craftspeople to have their items included in the boxes. Almost every APOCABOX includes handcrafted gear from independent, skilled artisans who work in leather, traps, forging, bushcraft, wood-working, and more!
BEST SUBSCRIPTION SURVIVAL BOX Criteria # 2: It must teach survival skills.
Creek knows that the best subscription survival box can’t just deliver gear. After all, survival is 90% mental and 10% gear. APOCABOX must teach skills. APOCABOX must build the mental survival tool-chest. Eventually, a Bug Out Bag will get full, but there is always room for survival skills in the brain.

This knife is called The 3 PIN FOLDER and it was a recent Survival Skills Project in an APOCABOX. Every APOCABOX includes either a Survival Skills Challenge or a Survival Skills Project so that you can pack knowledge into your head.
Creek got his start in the survival industry as a Survival Instructor, teaching boots on the ground courses to people from all over in the world at his training facility in Central Indiana. In addition to teaching live courses, Creek has written over 14 different survival skills manuals and is also the in-house survival expert at The Weather Channel, where he’s hosted 2 different survival television shows (FAT GUYS IN THE WOODS and SOS: HOW TO SURVIVE). Creek also teaches online survival courses at https://www.outdoorcore.com along with several dozen other outdoor skills instructors. His passion for teaching survival skills in rooted in over 20 years of experience and work with 1000s of students.
Here’s a Sample of a Skills Challenge in a past APOCABOX.
Creek has extended this passion for teaching survival skills into his efforts to curate the best subscription survival box. Every APOCABOX includes a SURVIVAL SKILLS CHALLENGE or PROJECT. These are specifically designed to get members out into the field to practice skills. From custom knife kits and makeshift urban fishing lures to Figure 4 Deadfall Traps and how to make a fire using the bow drill, Creek has taught countless of unique (and potentially life-saving) survival and bushcraft skills since APOCABOX began in 2014.

Creek filming an episode of SOS HOW TO SURVIVE for The Weather Channel.
The best subscription survival box is one that delivers survival tools AND survival knowledge. APOCABOX does that in each and every box.
Take a FREE 30-Minutes Skills Course from a PAST APOCABOX Skills Challange and Learn How to Carve a Net Needle and Weave Your Own Net. It’s FREE – just enter your email below for an immediate access link!
BEST SUBSCRIPTION SURVIVAL BOX Criteria # 3: It must build community.
It’s a proven fact that survival with a group has strategic advantages over trying to “go it alone”. Building a community of like-minded self-reliant members is at the core of Creek’s goal to build the best subscription survival box. Not only do APOCABOX members share work, ideas, and successes while completing the APOCABOX Skills Projects, but they also learn from one another by sharing survival and outdoor projects they are working on individually. While most of this community takes place inside of the private members only Facebook Group, lifelong friendships have been created by members who share the common bond of an interest in self-reliant skills.
Just check out all of the photos shared on INSTAGRAM from APOCABOX Members for a Build Your Own Boot Knife Challenge in one of the past boxes.
Can APCOABOX be the best subscription survival box without an engaged community of members? Creek doesn’t think so.
Want do be NEWEST APOCABOX member?
Interested in seeing what APOCABOX is all about? You can try it out with NO RISK by picking up one of their left-over boxes here: https://www.myapocabox.com/shop
Check out all APOCABOX has to offer at their website here: https://www.myapocabox.com/

Check out some of the PAST APOCABOXes by visiting this link: https://www.myapocabox.com/past-boxes-1
APOCABOX is a bi-monthly box that ships the 15th of every other month right to your door! Whether you’re experienced in the outdoors or just getting into survival, APOCABOX strives to be the best survival subscription box you can buy. You don’t have to stress about finding the right gear. You no longer need to wonder where to start with learning important, life-saving survival skills. APOCABOX will bring the quality, creativity, and education you crave for your outdoor adventures right to you!
The post APOCABOX: Striving to be the Best Survival Subscription Box appeared first on WillowHavenOutdoor Survival Skills.
By: Creek
Title: APOCABOX: Striving to be the Best Survival Subscription Box
Sourced From: willowhavenoutdoor.com/apocabox-striving-to-be-the-best-survival-subscription-box/
Published Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 15:12:24 +0000
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