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Is Wyoming’s Record Golden Trout Legit?

golden trout

Photo: Anthony Greco/Flickr

The biggest golden trout I’ve ever caught was about 13 inches long. I caught it here in Wyoming, at almost 12,000 feet above sea level. That fish was far from the usual trophy standards they grow to here in the Cowboy State. I know plenty of anglers who’ve caught 20-inch (or larger) goldens.

What I haven’t seen, however, is a golden trout that exceeds six or so pounds. Mark Heinz, over at Cowboy State Daily, seemed to think the same thing when he wrote his recent story about Wyoming’s current state record golden trout.

The current record is an 11-pound, 4-ounce specimen caught from Cook Lake back in 1948. According to Heinz, that’s more than double the size that a Wyoming state biologists believes golden trout can attain.

You can read the rest of the story here to find out why Heinz thinks Wyoming’s state record golden trout might just be another fish story.

The post Is Wyoming’s Record Golden Trout Legit? appeared first on MidCurrent.
