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Calling all pike anglers – Newbridge District Pike Anglers Open Competition

A reminder of a post we put out a couple of weeks ago about the Newbridge Pike Anglers Open Pike Competition this weekend at Blessington:

Anyone interested in a great day out pike fishing should hold the date of 26th November free, as Newbridge District Pike Anglers are holding their annual open pike competition at Poulaphouca Lake (aka Blessington) on that date. You don’t need to be a member of the club to compete, and you don’t even need to buy a permit for the lake on the day, as your entry fee will cover all of that. There will be heaps of prizes, both for adults and for younger anglers, with a raffle and refreshments after the competition, so it promises to be a great social occasion as well as a day out fishing. Anyone interested should contact the club via their Facebook page.


Pike Fishing around Dublin

Please fish in a sustainable manner
