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Sound on: Mountain Lions Can Chirp Like Birds

Have you ever wandered through the wilderness listening to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping? Next time you do this in mountain lion country, think twice about what animal you’re actually hearing. Because mountain lions can sound like little birdies, too.

Mountain lions are very stealthy, but they do make noises, including “purrs, chirps, hisses, growls, and snarls that vary in pitch and volume,” according to Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks. They do not roar. Other mountain-lion sounds include “bird-like chirping sounds” and a “scream-like noise” called a caterwaul.

Listen to a cougar’s chirp here:

Here’s another example of a mountain lion “chirping”:

Be Prepared Around Mountain Lions

If you hike or camp where mountain lions live, remember that bear spray is effective against all large mammals, including moose and mountain lions. However, mountain lions are typically stealth predators, so you probably won’t see it before it sees you. If a mountain lion approaches you in plain sight, bear spray is a good deterrent.

If you don’t have a deterrent spray and a mountain lion approaches you, appear large and intimidating. Make noise, throw rocks toward the animal but not at it, and lift your arms above your head to seem bigger than you are.

Best Bear Sprays

Learn more about bear sprays here.

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Did you know mountain lions could chirp like birds?

The post Sound on: Mountain Lions Can Chirp Like Birds appeared first on Outdoors with Bear Grylls.
