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Bald Eagles Swarm Dump Site in Alaska (Video)

Alaska offers so many wildlife-viewing opportunities, and you wouldn’t expect one of them to be the local dump. And yet, perhaps the dump in the city of Unalaska, Alaska is one of the best places to view a convocation of eagles, if you’re willing to put up with the smell, of course.

Eryn Whittern shared a video on TikTok showing a whole bunch of eagles at the dump, and several outlets picked the video up to share with their own audiences. You can hear Whittern’s shock as she discovers more and more and then even more eagles while panning the camera and looking around.

See the eagles at the dump in Alaska here (warning: explicit language):

Find the Hidden Animals

The post Bald Eagles Swarm Dump Site in Alaska (Video) appeared first on Outdoors with Bear Grylls.
